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1110324 Flaxrock Aquatics Gym and Swim Membership digital cover imageWe have three types of memberships available to suit how you use our facilities.

Memberships can be used across all Aquatics Hastings pools, Flaxmere, Clive, plus Havelock North during the peak summer months.

FlaXrock Gym at Flaxmere Community Centre can also be included in the membership.

Aquatics Membership
Swim only (casual/lane swim)
Adult $14 /week
Child $10 /week

Flaxrock Gym Membership
Gym and classes at Flaxrock
Adult $9 /week
Student/senior $7 /week

Full Access Membership
Gym, swim and classes at the gym or the pools.
All aged $16 /week

Create an account on our portal or login to your existing account, and then select a membership type.

Our team can help with the sign up process. Call in to one of our facilities to chat through the details.


Clive Memorial Pool
  • 2025 Hastings District Council, Private Bag 9002, Hastings 4156, New Zealand
  • Aquatics Hastings logo

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