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About Village Pool

about village pool

Village Pool is a four-pool outdoor complex located in the Havelock North Village Green.

Open during the summer months, the four-pool complex includes a 33-metre pool with dedicated lanes for lap swimming; a toddlers pools; learners pools; and two-metre deep pool.

The main pool and 2m deep pools are heated to 24 degrees, while the learners and toddlers pools are warmer at 27 degrees.

Shaded spots and a grassed area for games make Village Pool the perfect place to picnic after snacking up on goodies from our snack shop. We also provide a BBQ to hire.

A base for the Waimarama Surf Club and the Havelock North Swim Club, the Village Pool is also regularly used for school swimming sports.


Havelock North Village Pool is open weekends until Sunday 30 March.

Saturday & Sunday, 10am - 6pm
Inflatable session 1pm - 3pm each day (subject to availability)

(Hours and times subject to change)



  • Child under 5 years $2.00
  • Child 5-17 years $5.00
  • Adult $6.00
  • Pensioner/Super Swim 65 years+ $1.00
  • Spectator $2.00
  • Inflatable Session (Ages 8yrs+) - Add $2
    1pm-3pm each day, subject to change


  • Showers $4.00 each
  • Gas BBQ Hire $20.00 per hour

Children under 3 must wear a swim nappy.

Please enquire at the pool about private hire bookings. Contact us on phone +64 6 877 5544 or email [email protected]

0841116 AH WhatToWear SandwichBoard 800x600 V4 FAActivities and Services

  • Recreational swimming
  • Dedicated lanes for lap swimming
  • School learn to swim classes
  • School swimming sports
  • Competitive swimming
  • Lane and/or pool hire
  • Giant inflatables
  • BBQ hireage
  • Car parking

More Info

Village Green, Te Mata Road, Havelock North

Contact us on phone +64 6 877 5544 or email [email protected]

Supervision Rulesratios

Ages 5 and under - Caregiver aged 16+ must be in the pool within arm's reach
Ages 8 and under - Caregiver aged 16+ must actively supervise and be ready to assist
Ages 9-11 - Must be accompanied by a caregivers aged 16+

Supervision Ratios

Ages 5 and under - ONE adult to TWO 5 year olds and under
Ages 8 and under - ONE adult to FOUR 6-8 year olds
Mix of ages - ONE adult to ONE child 5 years and under + THREE 6-8 year olds

Clive Memorial Pool
  • 2025 Hastings District Council, Private Bag 9002, Hastings 4156, New Zealand
  • Aquatics Hastings logo

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