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About Swim Heretaunga Pool

Open year-round, Flaxmere Pool is a two-pool, heated indoor complex located in the heart of Flaxmere.

With its 25-metre training pool and 15-metre learn to swim pool, Flaxmere Pool offers a range of options to suit all interests including excellent learn to swim, AquaFit and competitive swimming programmes.

The complex is also a base for canoe polo meets.

There’s always fun to be had at Flaxmere Pool with giant inflatables often entertaining the kids during the weekend in winter and school holidays.

Please note: children under the age of 8 must be actively supervised by a caregiver over 16 years i.e. be within arms reach at all times.


  • Monday - Thursday: 6am - 7pm
  • Friday: 6am - 7am and 9am - 5pm
  • Saturday: 9am - 3pm
  • Sunday: Closed

There is limited lane availability for public swimming 3.30pm - 5.30pm Monday - Thursday, and 8.30am - 11.30am on Saturday due to Learn to Swim during term time. On Fridays the pool is closed 7am - 9am for vacuuming.

Week commencing Monday 10th Feb - limited lane availability due to bookings

5.30 - 7.00pm: 1 lane available

4.30 - 5.30pm: 2 lanes available
5.30 - 7.00pm: 2 lanes available

4.30 - 5.30pm: 2 lanes available
5.30 - 7.00pm: 1 lane available

Closed 9am - 3pm
4.30 - 6.00pm: 2 lanes available
6.00 - 7.00pm: 2 lanes available


Check how many lanes are available in the 25m pool before your visit.

View the next seven days in morning, afternoon and evening sessions. The number displayed is number of lanes available for lap swimming.

Check lane availability here



  • Child under 5 years $2.00
  • Child 5-17 years $5.00
  • Adult $6.00
  • SuperGold Cardholder $1.00
  • AquaFit Classes Adult $8.00

For further information, please call +64 6 879 7676 or email [email protected].


  • Activities and ServicesRecreational swimming
  • Dedicated lanes for lap swimming
  • Learn to swim classes
  • AquaFit
  • Competitive swimming
  • Lane and/or pool hire
  • Triathlon swim squads
  • Giant inflatables
  • Car parking

Supervision Rulesratios

Ages 5 and under - Caregiver aged 16+ must be in the pool within arm's reach
Ages 8 and under - Caregiver aged 16+ must actively supervise and be ready to assist
Ages 9-11 - Must be accompanied by a caregivers aged 16+

Supervision Ratios

Ages 5 and under - ONE adult to TWO 5 year olds and under
Ages 8 and under - ONE adult to FOUR 6-8 year olds
Mix of ages - ONE adult to ONE child 5 years and under + THREE 6-8 year olds

Clive Memorial Pool
  • 2025 Hastings District Council, Private Bag 9002, Hastings 4156, New Zealand
  • Aquatics Hastings logo

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